Epic teeth fail

Hey there. Sorry I've been quiet.


I recently drove 2 hours into the big city to get my teeth looked at. To spare you the worst of it, my teeth are in fact completely fucked. Even after learning all that - including being subjected to a "nerve test", some of the worst pain I had ever experienced - the doctor and I went up to the receptionist, who told us that the closest date was February 2024. For a consultation. THAT WAS THE CONSULTATION!

Then I did a bunch of driving around with some people who were way more high-energy than I am. My legs still ache from the running around. Tomorrow I am looking at apartments. Which means more driving.

I have been painting. I added some more images to my portfolio. I am working on some secret stuff for Patreon.

I finished The Yiddish Policemen's Union over the span of those car rides. I don't feel like it's clicked with me yet, but it was nice.

Happy Neil day. See you again soon with some less depressing updates, hopefully.
