
Tagged "crossword"

My crossword reader finally caught up to the NYT crossword people were complaining about last month. Why am I even surprised it was about lesbians? Why else would people be acting like they had been evilly forced to interact with a romance story 🤪

2023-10-05, 08-49 | | crossword

Spent half an hour trying to solve a NYT #crossword only to realize that the .puz file was fucked. I'm talking, every answer had a ^ symbol in between the letters, and a lot of spaces for answers were only 2 letters long. Fascinating honestly

2023-09-22, 21-12 | | crossword

16 across: "chance to get a lot off your chest."

Amazingly, it was not "TOP SURGERY", even though it fit.

I'm so mad.

2023-09-01, 00-26 | | crossword

Ever since Reddit went to shit I got really into crossword. It's pretty much my main hobby right now. If I could go off and do word puzzles in a MMO while my partners do PVP I think I could survive in this world

2023-08-22, 20-25 | | crossword