These graphics are F2U (free to use) unless otherwise stated. It's nice if you link back to my site.
Stamps, as on deviantART, are little collectibles for your page that basically say your interests or political opinions or whatever. I used to LOVE these.
The Curious George dream stamps
I had a dream where these really awful things were on Feely's Neocities page. I had to make them real.
Here's the dream-accurate long version, though I guarantee this will piss people off if you use it:
Custom Text stamps
Based on a fun Tumblr post.
My old LGBT stamps
Here's some stamps I made during my teenage days on deviantART. Would you believe that in context, these were actually super edgy and scathing?
I was actually baffled looking back to see that this stamp had no lesbian flag, but this was 2009, one year before the lipstick lesbian flag was even invented. So no erasure intended. As for why it's a "warning": that's a bit of snark, deviantART was casually veeery homophobic at this point, and people would react to gay art in your gallery as if you had tricked them into eating poison.
Needless to say, I do not identify as a "slash fanboy" anymore, lmfao… But that was also a snarky stamp, because 'fanboy' was a very childish and derogatory thing to willingly call yourself in the first place, but it was typically a very straight thing, like being a Lara Croft fanboy. So I wanted to fry some brains.
But yeah, this is a little slice of web LGBT history for you, straight from my life. You're absolutely free to use them, if you think they'd still fit for whatever you've got going on in your life.