Death of Reddit

Hello again!

I'm not going to pretend that things are better. But they aren't dramatically worse, and that counts for something.

Probably the most difficult update I can give is, Reddit is now lighting itself on fire. You may know from my links page that I am, or was, an avid Redditor; I've been on the site since 2010, and it's alway kind of really sucked, but it was... well, it was Reddit.

I have to wonder what the future holds. It's motivated me to shift even harder towards my personal websites. But it's also made me very sad... for whatever reason. This is what I wanted, right? Why does it feel so bitter?

I'm on /kbin, now, though I'm not sure if I'd recommend it as a 1:1 replacement. It's a good time to get out and start trying different things.
