

Welcome to my links collection!

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Button links

These are a popular way to link to independent websites. I hope to collect a lot of them; feel free to send me yours if you'd like to affiliate!

Link to me?

Brilokuloj Eggware.XYZ Needleminder


Star System Error Feely Zone Finsterhund Bad Death Swifty's HQ! Teomodo Polygondwanaland Phantasmagoria


Online Libraries

Visit your local library - now online!

My Art Assets and Resources

I make my own art assets sometimes to make people's lives a little easier! Now I have a place to publish them!

Other People's Art Assets and Resources

Art assets by other lovely people.

Hacking & Modding

Modify your favorite video games!


  • Kid Radd: My absolute favorite work of hypertext fiction. Predates Wreck-It Ralph and all that other fiction about meta video games.

Definitely Real Things

Forums & Blogs

  • Froyo Place: ...and now it's a fucking froyo place.
  • Disturbing Equines: Creepy horse toys.
  • Topless Buns: Defunct cheeseburger review blog with only 4 posts. I honestly don't remember how I found this one!


There are a lot of weird and niche subreddits in the world, and I like to collect them.

  • r/HellsItch/: Subreddit for sufferers of a specific type of painful sunburn. I really think I got this myself when I first tried going to a public pool as an adult. If I didn't know about this subreddit, I probably would have gone insane.
  • r/tapeworld_mystery/: This was a "lost media"-style mystery that occupied my brain for MONTHS; someone found a cardboard standee of a bizarre clay character. I participated in this and I did not really help, but I'm in a Whang video which is pretty cool, and he completely mispronounces my username.
  • r/TheMysteriousSong/: Another lost media mystery, this one might be one of Reddit's most well-known. I've been following it for years now and honestly at this point I'm just depressed.


The first thing you notice about Reddit's amateur cookery, even before the general wetness of all the food, is the background presence of alcohol.


"But I really wonder what it was about that Tumblr post that inspired your housemate enough to buy 12 pounds of it? Do they regularly engage in self-defeating behaviors like this?" - tybstar

Encyclopedia of Encyclopedias


Independent Wikis

I don't go here, buuut...

These are wikis I don't personally use or endorse, but any non-Fandom wiki is a better wiki.

The Corner of Shame

  • Heart of Darkness Wiki: The only wiki I have ever worked on. I created or wrote over half of its 15 pages in what I have now identified as a manic depressive episode, picked at it a few times over the course of the next few months, and then left it. Now it is being eaten by the kind of vultures who plagiarize entire Wikipedia articles. Sad. If I had my way and the disposable income, I'd make my own independently-hosted wiki.



Text art

Retro stuff

  • Wafflenet: The personal website of MrKsoft, chiptune musician and retrocomputing hobbyist.
  • Wafflenet OPL Archive: A great archive of modern DOS music, with an in-browser music player.
  • Museum of ZZT: An archive of games created with ZZT.

Old Web

  • Skygawker: Personal page of someone who really likes heights. Neat! I honestly don't remember when or why I bookmarked this.
  • Regender: Gender swapper? Doesn't seem to work anymore.
  • Clusty: Google was already getting bad in 2008. That's why my primary search engine was Clusty, a cluster-based search engine.
  • One of the first sites that inspired me to start blogging.
  • Candy Critic: Technically still around but way different. This is the one I grew up reading!
  • Transcendental Capsaicinophilic Society: Joke site for a spicy food cult.
  • JJ's Dogz and Catz: Extensive Petz site that hasn't updated since 2001. Like a perfectly preserved fossil. Massive "Stop Petz Abuse" page.