

4 videos

Dots | uploaded by Posy

MyZaza | uploaded by famicon2008

i’m back again to say i have been thinking about this video again. it truly is a work of art in the sense of giving me a unique feeling of helplessness. I can’t help but feel so sorry for Zaza as they knows what is dangerous to himself and the controller forces them to pursue a goal that may look like a simple solution. and when Zaza does what they deem to be safe, only them does the controller ask if they are alright. Zaza has failed so much, leading them to do impulsive things to make the cycle end. I don’t know, something about this whole thing brings me back here and experience this sorrow over and over. I would personally take better care of my poor Zaza

EvoBoxx - Game of Life | uploaded by Love Hultén

PHR - 2/771 EDUCATIONAL VIDEO | uploaded by Aspicio Omniam