

8 videos in playlist created June 2023

This is the graveyard, where I keep every deleted video I've found in a playlist. I've provided what little information I have on them; if you can find any more, PLEASE let me know and I will credit you!

[Deleted video] ID: hTIhDcrgfnM | uploaded by [Missing]

Missing. Account was terminated. Source playlist: Animal Sounds.

[Private video] ID: SHSmECdtYYY | uploaded by [Missing]

Missing. Source playlist: YouCube.

[Private video] ID: nZqwHeFHPzk | uploaded by [Missing]

Missing. Source playlist: YouCube.

[Deleted video] ID: nKKnrFG5ODQ | uploaded by [Missing]

Missing. Source playlist: YouCube.

Details: This one was in my bookmarks, titled 'Mambo'. I think it may have only been a minute or two long. I remember it being a meme edit of Mambo Number 5, which had the line 'the trumpet!' and then some creepy echoing trumpet sounds. I've tried describing this to search engines and it makes me feel insane.

[Private video] ID: r8BnQagavuw | uploaded by [Missing]

Missing. Source playlist: YouCube.

[Private video] ID: p5uDWG1bmPs | uploaded by [Missing]

Missing. Source playlist: YouCube.

[Deleted video] ID: w0__24JANOI | uploaded by [Missing]

Missing. Account was terminated. Source playlist: People for the Unethical Treatment of Raymond.

[Private video] ID: xrJbNnUJOCU | uploaded by [Missing]

Missing. Video is private; probably still exists. Source playlist: People for the Unethical Treatment of Raymond.