

10 videos

I guarantee you will hate me after listening to any of these.

Rawest Forest - Super Mario RPG Animated Music Video | uploaded by Christopher Niosi

This one feels like cheating, right?

Mario Kart DS:Rainbow Road music in Words Beta | uploaded by MichaelVDragon

Now here's a classic from outer space.

Mario Kart 64: Rainbow Road Music in Words. | uploaded by MichaelVDragon

Now HERE'S a classic.

Rainbow Road | uploaded by RhymesWithStomach

Now here's a classic.

Goosebumps intro with lyrics [Archive] | uploaded by DukeOnkledNukem

It's time for goosebumps. it's time to get scared

Gameguy888 - Ore Chunks | uploaded by LPCatchPhrases

Banjo Tooie Glitter Gulch Mine in WORDS! | uploaded by MichaelVDragon

One word: Gluch.

Banjo Tooie: Hailfire Dragons boss theme in WORDS! | uploaded by MichaelVDragon

Banjo Tooie: HailFire peaks(Icy side) in WORDS! | uploaded by MichaelVDragon

Banjo Tooie: HailFire peaks(Lava side) in WORDS! | uploaded by MichaelVDragon


No, I don't mean the first ever person to put lyrics to a video game song. Or do I? Anyway, this is the one I got really obsessed with.