Tagged "dunkin"
my cat knocked over something in the kitchen and I literally reflexively did the "you heard about video games?" pose
2023-10-06, 11-49 | brilokuloj@zirk.us | dunkin
Recently Dunkin has gotten even more cuddly at night. Instead of sitting by my feet, he goes up and puts his head on my pillow like a person.
Sitting on the couch doing crossword. Cat jumps up on the couch and cuddles up to me.
Anti anxiety meds have done wonders for my compulsion to be Productive for capitalism, but I'm amused this is the moment it finally clicks for me. Spending time with loved ones is the only lasting thing.
2023-09-01, 18-01 | brilokuloj@zirk.us | dunkin mental-health
Dunkin, Starbuck, and the clump of duct tape I had to put in my old apartment because if you were in the bathroom for too long Dunkin thought you were trapped and started trying to tunnel through the carpet. STILL can't believe I got that deposit back.
2023-08-26, 21-44 | brilokuloj@zirk.us | dunkin starbuck apartment-living